
Monday 29 October 2012

NaNoWriMo 2012: Do you NaNo?

By the end of November last year, I was certifiable!
"I hereby pledge my intent to write a 50,000-word novel in one month's time. By invoking an absurd, month-long deadline on such an enormous undertaking, I understand that notions of 'craft', 'brilliance' and 'competency' are to be chucked right out the window, where they will remain, ignored, until they are retrieved for the editing process." -- Nano Pledge, thanks to Faith, ML for Brant/Haldimand/Norfolk Counties. Here's their Facebook page.

WHY pledge to write a 50, 000-word novel in thirty days? It's an insane concept: even if your kids don't get sick and you're free to write every day of the month of November, you are committing to putting 1600+ words down every one of those days. Heck, there are some days when I only manage to get down four sentences, three of which I delete in disgust the next day.

So here's why I do NaNo:

1) At the very moment I am soaking my aching wrists in Epsom salts, it is gratifying to know that there are (literally) tens of thousands of other writers suffering just as I am. Writing is a lonely craft, but not during NaNo.

2) Get rid of the editor. The only way to succeed is  by firing the editor. For four whole weeks I turn off Spell and Grammar Check. When an entirely new character trait appears halfway into the novel, that's okay. The editor will be back December 1st.

3) At least I can say I wrote a novel this year. It might take me another year to whittle it into something decent, but how many people can say "I wrote a novel this year"? I mean... other than NaNo participants...

4) It's a marvelous excuse: "Oh, sorry, can't do laundry. I'm in the middle of NaNo."

5) Strength in numbers: it takes a special kind of crazy to NaNo. When you meet a fellow WriMo, there's a gleam in his or her red-rimmed eyes that acknowledges a kindred spirit.

Anyone can participate, and is encouraged to do so. Check out:

National Novel Writing Month for details.

If you want to see what I'm doing this month, you can check out: My NaNo on Wattpad


  1. We need a NaNo retreat. I'll bring the wine.
