
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Mr. President? Hello?

Just when I thought there were levels to which I would not sink, I sank.

Well, maybe it was more of a dive.

Last Saturday while cramming a 90-minute grocery shop into 45 minutes, I stopped filling my trolley full of $1.99 boneless pork rib roasts to snap a picture with my phone.

I couldn't help myself.

If it's been that long, I'm not sure margarine is what you need.

I'm a fan of President's Choice Products. I love Memories of Tuscany, Memories of Marrakech, Memories of Dad's Grill. Although I have never been to Marrakech or Tuscany, the very names of the products made me feel as if I had gone there, or was distantly related to someone from there. But Memories of Butter? For some reason, that just doesn't call up the warm feeling of nostalgia that PC has managed to invoke with Memories of Sicilia Sea Salts.

So while they're on a roll, here's some other suggestions for products that the president may want to consider:

Memories of Monday Mornings:
A non-caffeinated tea invoking the feeling of sleeping through the alarm and not having time for a coffee before running out the door to miss your bus.

Memories of Bacon:
I'm thinking of a candle, so you'd walk into a room and smell the bacon, but not be able to find any.

Memories of Scarborough:
The full sensory experience of sitting in a car in traffic on Kennedy Avenue, in August, without air conditioning. Now turn left. Either a CD, or perhaps a sandwich.

Memories of Weird Uncle Albert:
Nicotine patch.

Memories of PMS:
Chocolate. A big chocolate bar. With a Jack Daniels chaser.


  1. Shows you how much attention I pay to President's Choice products.


    1. As a butter devotee, you can imagine my shock.
