
Monday 14 January 2013

Mailbox Monday

Mailboxes around here suffer from the loving attention of snowplows.
Mailbox Monday was started by Marcia at Mailbox Monday. This month, it is being hosted by Lori's Reading Corner.

Kind of a weird haul, this week, as most of it came from Value Village. But where else can a family of five satisfy their craving for new reads for less than $20?

Oscar and Lucinda
 Oscar and Lucinda by Peter Carey won the 1988 Booker Prize, the 1989 Miles Franklin Award, and was shortlisted for The Best of the Booker.

The Golden Bough.jpgThe Golden Bough, A Study in Magic and Religion
by Sir James George Frazer. A little light reading for a snowy Sunday afternoon. Best taken in short doses, to me it is the sine qua non for fantasy writers who want to get it right. Put it on your desk next to Joseph Campbell.

Juliet by Anne Fortier. The descendant of Juliet herself travels to Siena to discover her past and end the curse that has troubled her family since the 14th century. Immaculately researched, I only wish I'd found it as easy to find people who speak perfect English in Siena as Juliet does.

Cover of Westlake Soul
Westlake Soul by Rio Youers. I can't wait to read this. The hero of this novel is in a permanent vegetative state. What a way to become a superhero! The publishers of this novel, ChiZine, have as their byline 'Embrace the Odd'. Well, alrighty, then! I shall, and my review will be posted on I Read a Book Once .

 The Map of the Sky
The Map of The Sky by Felix J. Palma casts H.G. Wells in the leading role. Add aliens, a love story and a challenge to recreate the invasion of The War of the Worlds, well, how can a girl say no? And did I mention it comes with 3D glasses? Yep... I'm a sucker for a gimmick.

Dragon Art
Dragon Art by Graeme Aymer. It's a survey of dragons in contemporary fantasy art, and I have a boy who loves to draw them. Seemed like the perfect match, and the perfect addition (edition?) for our library.

So, lucky readers, what landed in your lap this week?


  1. I read Oscar and Lucinda years ago...

    At the moment, I'm revisiting Holmes and Watson by re-reading Hound of the Baskervilles, and going through a photobook of the American west.

    1. I grabbed a Sherlock Holmes collection ages ago at a yard sale. Love, love, love it! Is the photo book research, pleasure or both?
