
Monday 4 February 2013

Late Afternoon

No new books this week for me, so I'm sending you all home with a piece I wrote when I was home with three very small children.

Small mercies are the most important.

         There is something about late afternoon.       

         It is the time after school, before dinner needs to be started.  The time before your husband is home from work, yet not so much before that you despair in your loneliness and frustration with the kids.  The eldest does homework, perhaps. The younger children play quietly, or watch television, and the shadows are long on the driveway; you have a cup of tea at your elbow and nothing much needing to be done.

         There is something about late afternoon.

         Friends have gone home, but the house still swells with their laughter and presence.  Crumbs have been swept up and there is always laundry to do, but that can wait, and it’s much too late in the day to pull out the vacuum.  The dogs sleep peacefully on their mats, the light in the sitting room is on and the sun drops behind the clouds, sending lazy fingers of light through the kitchen blinds.

         There is something about late afternoon.

It holds the promise of long evenings in winter, the pulled curtains of the night, bedtime stories, pajamas and a soft pile of children on the sofa.  Soft breath, sweet skin, hugs and kisses then bedtime.

There is no need to look beyond that.  The tea cools.  Now is suspended, a breath exhaled.

There is something about late afternoon.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you; it's easy to forget how hard it is staying at home with kids. I used to tell my husband that I was 'always lonely, yet never alone'. Funny, I almost miss it. It was a very innocent time for the kids, I guess that's why.

  2. Jess, I really enjoyed this piece. It brings back warm memories of days not that long ago. There were a lot of tears as well, but beautiful moments as well. Those cups of tea never tasted so good.

    1. I found this clattering around in my hard drive. I wrote it on just one of those afternoons, and it wasn't that long ago, was it? But it also feels like forever, especially when I look at all our babes now.
