
Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Watch that knee-jerk reaction.

The first comment I read about the disaster in Boston yesterday, only 20 minutes after it happened, blamed the 'east'.

Isn't that helpful.

Not that this person wasn't welcome to his opinion, but what good did it do? How does it support the injured? How does it heal?

It is easy to forget that everything we put out on the net stays there... probably forever. Why use that immortality to tear down? Why not use it to build up?

I'd like to share some words from a friend, a brilliant woman who always uses her words to build:

"Hug your babies. Take nothing for granted. Work hard. Play Hard. Hug your parents. Be careful whom you admire. Laugh. Drink milk from the carton. Splurge on one special thing a week. Live with no regrets. Sing in the car, and the shower. Believe the best of everyone until you have reason to believe otherwise. Laugh some more. Make your own fun. Maintain perspective in all things. Today is the only guarantee we have...don't waste it. Always make it count"  (See her beautiful work here)

What happened in Boston was awful. It should not have happened, and I hope along with everyone else that the people responsible are found and prosecuted. But I will not live in fear and I will not blame a particular ethnic group for the cowardly acts of a very few people. If I do -- if any of us do -- then those few people will have won.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Benjamin Franklin

1 comment:

  1. It's the act of a coward. Or cowards.

    I read a columnist today who remarked on the old adage that no two countries with a McDonalds in them go to war. He gave an addendum: if a country has marathon runs, it's not likely to do the same with another country that has marathon runs.
